2022 Year in Review

Friday, Dec. 30, 2022
2022 Year in Review + Enlarge
Bishop Oscar A. Solis ordains Fr. Tristan Dillon on June 24, 2022.
By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY — The year 2022 saw the Diocese of Salt Lake City emerge from the strictures imposed by the pandemic. Although masks and social distancing was required at local churches at the beginning of the year, by mid-February churches were welcoming parishioners back to Mass without these restrictions.
Other annual activities that had been canceled because of Covid-19 also resumed: parish retreats, the diocesan science fair, CCS’ Dream Builder’s Breakfast, living Stations of the Cross and the Carmelite Fair, among others.
Throughout 2022, Catholics in Utah continued to live their faith and find ways to express charity and Christian love.
A few highlights from the year follow.
Fr. Leander Dosch, OCSO, who had lived at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity in Huntsville, and after it closed at St. Joseph Villa, died Jan. 2.  
A new diaconal formation class began Jan. 8 with 10 aspirants.
Fr. Paul McCarthy, SJ, who served as associate pastor of St. Thomas More Parish from 2000 to 2014, died Jan. 18.
On Jan. 11, Fr. Sebastian Chacko was welcomed as a new priest in residence at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Kearns.
On Jan. 24, Drew Trost, head coach for Juan Diego Catholic High School boys basketball, celebrated his 300th overall career win. 
The diocese participated in several pro-life activities during this pro-life month, including the Jan. 21 Mass for the Unborn and Ceremony of Life at the Cathedral of the Madeleine with Bishop Oscar A. Solis presiding, and the Jan. 22 March for Life at the Utah State Capitol.
On Feb. 15, Bishop Solis lifted the protocols requiring the wearing of masks at Mass.
At the UHSAA 2A state swim meet Feb. 11-12, Jayhawk Will Jones broke two state records, one in the 100 Yard Backstroke and the other in the 200 Yard Freestyle.
In conjunction with the worldwide Synod for a Synodal Church, the diocese began listening sessions on March 2 to “look others in the eye and listen to what they have to say, to build rapport, to be sensitive to the questions of our sisters and brothers, to let ourselves be enriched by the variety of charisms, vocations and ministries,” in the words of Pope Francis.
On March 4, Fr. Robin Cruz began ministering in the diocese; he was assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.
On March 7, the Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis marked his fifth year as Bishop of Salt Lake City.
On March 21, the Cathedral of the Madeleine hosted the “Voices for Ukraine” benefit concert.
St. Francis of Assisi parishioner Gabby Gauchay was featured in the March issue of The Catholic Woman, the quarterly magazine of the National Council of Catholic Women, for her artistic renderings of Catholic saints.
The St. Cecilia music group was formed at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, offering guitar and violin classes to youth.
On April 2, parishes throughout the diocese tried a new format for the annual Diocesan Lenten Retreat: hosting their own gatherings to hear video messages from the bishop and the keynote speakers, then having small-group discussions.
On April 6, four former Utah Catholic high school coaches were inducted into the Utah Sports Hall of Fame: Joe Cravens, John Colosimo, Gil Cordova and Gail Meakins.
Bobbie Hunt, a St. Rose of Lima parishioner who was a past president of both the diocesan and national Council of Catholic Women, died April 20. She was the recipient of the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal and had been named a Dame of the Order of St. Gregory.
On April 24, Utah’s Filipino community commemorated the 500th anniversary of Catholicism in the Philippines with a celebration at St. Olaf Parish that included Mass at which Bishop Solis presided, and a gathering with traditional food and dance.
A gift shop opened April 30 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine; it is a branch of Magdalene Religious Goods. 
On April 30, a jubilee celebration was held at Mary of the Angels Chapel in La Cross, Wisc., in honor of the diamond jubilee for Sr. Georgia Christensen, FSPA, who grew up in Utah.
Nevah Stevenson began as director of the Catholic Foundation of Utah on May 2.
In May, Daughter of Charity Sr. Lucia Nguyen, who had been in charge of the Arts for Spirituality program at Give Me A Chance in Ogden, moved to Alaska to begin ministering there.
On May 11, the Ladies of Charity celebrated the expansion of their food pantry.
On May 12, Msgr. J. Terrence Fitzgerald, vicar general emeritus, celebrated the 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
On  May 13, Father Jaya Kumar Penugonda began ministering in the diocese; he was originally assigned to the Cathedral of the Madeleine. 
Fr. Francis Voellmecke, former pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, died May 15.
On May 20, St. George Parish hosted a live taping of the radio show Catholic Answers.
On  May 26, Fr. Paulraj Rayappa began ministering in the diocese; he was assigned as hospital chaplain and parochial vicar of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Salt Lake City. 
On May 27, Fr. Jan Bednarz, a retired priest of the diocese, celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
On May 30, Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery celebrated its 125th anniversary.
On June 4, as part of the effort to revive the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in English in the diocese, Fr. Arokia Dass David celebrated a Healing Mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Salt Lake City.  
On June 5, Utah’s Catholic Filipino community celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Misang Bayan group.
On June 19, the Feast of Corpus Christi, the diocese began its efforts in the diocesan level of the three-year Eucharistic Revival called by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Also on June 19, Blessed Sacrament Parish in Sandy celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding.
On June 20, Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish in Price began a celebration of its centennial year with a Mass that drew a standing-room only assembly.
On June 24, Father Tristan Dillon was ordained a priest. Deacon Oscar Marquina and Deacon André Sicard were ordained to the diaconate during the same Mass at the Cathedral of the Madeleine at which Bishop Solis presided. 
On June 28, Fr. Gustavo Vidal, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Magna, celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination.
In July, the summary of the diocesan report on Synod on Synodality was published on the diocesan website in English and Spanish. The report outlined eight topics that emerged from the listening sessions held throughout the diocese. 
In July, the memorial for the unborn that had been placed in Provo City Cemetery in 1995 by Utah Knights of Columbus Council 1136 was moved to the entrance of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Orem, after the cemetery received a complaint about the monument and removed it.
On Aug. 3, three priests of the diocese retired: Fr. John Norman, Fr. Clarence Sandoval and Fr. William Wheaton.
On Aug. 3, Fr. Gabriel Mosher, OP, began ministering in the diocese as pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Parish/Newman Center in Salt Lake City.
On Aug. 6, Fr. Rowland Nwokocha, pastor of St. Pius X Parish in Moab, celebrated the 25th anniversary of his priestly ordination.
Fr. Patrick Doyle, OCSO, who had lived at the Trappist monastery in Huntsville and then at St. Joseph Villa when the abbey closed, died Aug. 13.
On Aug. 14, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in West Valley City celebrated its 50th anniversary.
On Aug. 3, Fr. Alfredo Valdez Molina began ministering in the diocese;  he was assigned as the parochial vicar for the Cathedral of the Madeleine.
On Aug. 27, after two delays because of the pandemic, Judge Memorial Catholic High School held its centennial celebration.
Father James Blaine, a retired priest of the diocese, died Aug. 31.
On Sept. 18, Bishop Solis blessed the new religious education center at San Isidro Mission in Elberta.
On Sept. 18, J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School named its library in honor of its founding librarian, Linda Paoletti.
In September, Juan Diego Catholic High School renamed its football field in honor of John Colosimo, who led the Soaring Eagle football team to eight state titles during his 21 years as coach at the school.
On Oct. 2, the nuns of the Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Salt Lake City celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the monastery with a Mass at which two of the founding members, Sr. Margaret Mary of the Sacred Heart and Sr. Maureen of the Trinity, renewed their vows.
On Oct. 8, Good Shepherd Parish in East Carbon City celebrated its 75th anniversary.
Fr. Lourduraj Gally Gregory, pastor of Immaculate Heart Parish in Copperton, died Oct. 13.
On Oct. 13, Maria Cruz Gray, director of the diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry, was presented with a plaque in recognition of her being named an Angel of the Month by KUTH Univision 32.
Fr. Aaron Ferris began his ministry as the new Catholic chaplain at Hill Air Force Base on Oct. 31. 
On Nov. 2, Jeanne Audiss, a St. Joseph the Worker parishioner, received the Our Lady of Good Counsel award, the highest honor given by the National Council of Catholic Women, for her contributions to the Church, the Council of Catholic Women and the community at large.
On Nov. 2, Jean Hill, who served for 11 years as director of the diocesan Office of Life, Justice and Peace, was honored with a farewell reception. She now is serving as director of Salt Lake County’s Criminal Justice Advisory Council.
On Nov. 30, Fr. Sébastien Sasa, administrator of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in West Valley City, celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
On Dec. 20, Fr. Marco Lopez, pastor of St. Bridget Parish in Milford and its associated missions, celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.

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