Accompanying Millennials on their faith journey

Friday, Sep. 25, 2015
Accompanying Millennials on their faith journey + Enlarge

In my last article, I urged people to ask themselves: What can we do to welcome in Millennial young adults and accompany them on their faith journey? I suggested that the best way to answer this question is to ask young adults directly. Therefore, over the past month, I asked two of my peers, let’s call them “A” and “B,” three simple questions about how they want to be supported in their faith journey. As you read their responses, think of what you and your parish are doing well to welcome in young adults and what can be improved. I hope that you ask the young adults in your life these same questions.
How would you like to be accompanied on your faith journey by the clergy?
A: We moved to a new city a little over a year ago and have been attending various parishes; however, our presence has not been consistent. We are trying to find a church community that we feel connected to, and right now we don’t feel it. I think the clergy should improve how they welcome new members into the community. They can host a meet-and-greet for visitors and new members or create a Welcome Committee/Community-building Committee that organizes events for members to participate in to help build relationships with each other. For me, having a better sense of belonging in the parish will help to strengthen my faith. 
B: As a young person discerning religious life, I think clergy have a vital role to play in spiritual direction and companionship as well as discussion about a life dedicated to the Church. The uniqueness of the call of a Brother is a major draw, but the foreignness and lack of familiarity within the Church can be alienating. By cultivating a greater awareness clergy could promote a greater support of religious life from the Church community. 
How would you like to be accompanied on your faith journey by your family? 
A: I would like my family to accompany me on my faith journey by attending Mass with me and talking about the readings for the day and how we can incorporate the Gospel in our lives. I would also like to make prayer more common when we have meals together, and teach our younger family members how to pray aloud.
B: It is important to me to be able to practice my faith with my family and share spiritual growth and practices. We grow closer as a family by attending Mass, praying together, and discussing issues of Church, faith and ethics.
How would you like to be accompanied on your faith journey by your friends? 
A: Currently I attend a young women’s group, which has been a blessing for my spiritual journey! I have met new people, which has been awesome for creating friendships! More importantly, I have been able to hear other’s perspectives on what we are reading. This group is a comfortable space in which I can ask challenging questions without the concern of being judged. 
B: I would like to be supported by friends with ongoing supportive conversations about our faith journeys. It is great to have friends to relate to and challenge each other to grow and foster healthy spiritual practices.
After asking my peers these questions, the recurrent theme was their searches for a community that makes them feel welcome and seeks to understand them. They desire deeper spiritual connections with the clergy, with their families, and with their friends. It also proved to me that young adults are not scared or reluctant to talk about their faith; they actually desire to be asked these questions. 
I hope that you ask the young adults in your life these same questions and prayerfully listen to their responses. 

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