April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Friday, Mar. 31, 2023
By Special to the Intermountain Catholic

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” Matthew 18:5

The month of April is set aside for child abuse prevention and awareness. This is an important time to reflect on what we are doing, not just in April but every day, to ensure all children are safe and protected from harm.

In 2002, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops adopted the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in response to clergy sexual abuse. Beginning that year, the Diocese of Salt Lake City’s Office of Safe Environment began to put policies in place to safeguard all children and youth in the care of the Church. The Diocesan Safe Environment Program has grown since then, and now includes the protection of vulnerable adults.

We are obligated to create a safe, loving and compassionate environment for victims, where they can receive care and reconciliation. We are also charged with doing everything we can to prevent sexual abuse of minors by clergy, volunteers and employees of the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

Although the charter began as a way to heal and prevent child sexual abuse by clergy, it’s important for us to recognize that child abuse comes in many forms. Research estimates 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18, and according to the CDC, 1 in 7 children have experienced child abuse or neglect in the past year. As Catholics, we are all called to hold sacred the human dignity of every person, and to prioritize the most vulnerable among us.

Do you know what the diocese is doing to protect children and vulnerable adults?

• Safe Environment certification via training and a background check is required for all adult volunteers, clergy and employees working with children, youth and vulnerable adults.

• Safe Environment certification via training is required for all youth minors (11-17 years of age) working with children.

• Training is provided to all children and youth K-12 in schools and parish faith formation programs, teaching them to identify warning signs and develop strategies for increasing their personal safety skills.

• Each year the Office of Safe Environment submits data verifying the diocese’s compliance with the U.S. bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People as part of an annual audit. These audit reports are an insight into how well we are holding ourselves accountable to creating a safe environment throughout the diocese.

• The Office of Safe Environment provides victim assistance to support and accompany victims through their journey of healing.

• The Diocesan Independent Review Board, made up of volunteer professionals, meets at least quarterly to support and offer recommendations for the Safe Environment Program.

• The Office of Safe Environment assists and partners with the parish and school staff and other diocesan organizations to provide training and support.

We are truly blessed to have Safe Environment coordinators, directors of religious education, catechists, teachers, clergy, principals, a review board and many others who are committed to the protection of children and vulnerable adults, faithfully and diligently serving the diocese to help coordinate and implement the Diocesan Safe Environment Program ensuring compliance at every parish, school and other diocesan organizations. I am truly thankful for these co-workers in this very important work.

As the new director of the Office of Safe Environment for the Diocese of Salt Lake City, my goal is first and foremost a spirit of listening with love and compassion to anyone who reaches out for help and support. My hope and prayer is that we all seek to build a culture throughout the diocese, where we are proactively working to truly make all of our parishes and schools safe places for all who enter them. I also pray that as a faithful community, we understand that Safe Environment is not simply a requirement or a box to check off every three years; rather, that it’s our duty as Catholics to safeguard all of those  whom we encounter.

The Diocese of Salt Lake City is committed to ensuring that when a child is in our care in parish programs or in Catholic education, and when we are ministering to vulnerable adults, that their safety is of utmost importance and a priority.   

To learn more about what the diocese is doing and how to be part of creating and maintaining a safe environment in your parish and/or school, visit the Office of Safe Environment website, www.dioslc.org/offices/safe-environment. Find opportunities to pray for victims of abuse: https://www.dioslc.org/offices/safe-environment/prayers-for-healing.

If you observe or have reason to believe that a child, youth minor or vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, you must report the alleged abuse to local law enforcement and state agencies, and you must notify the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment at 801-328-8641, ext. 344 or email safeenv@dioslc.org.   

Crystal Painter is director of the diocesan Office of Safe Environment.

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