At funeral Mass, Father Michael Buckley recalled as a priest who ‘embraced his cross’

Friday, Oct. 11, 2024
At funeral Mass, Father Michael Buckley recalled as a priest who ‘embraced his cross’ + Enlarge
At the end of the funeral Mass for Fr. Michael Buckley, Bishop Oscar A. Solis blesses the remains with holy water. At back from right are Bishop James R. Golka of Colorado Springs, Father Erik Richtsteig, pastor of St. Ambrose Parish, and Deacon Lynn Johnson.
By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY — Father Michael P. Buckley, who died from cancer on Sept. 21 at St. Joseph’s Villa in Salt Lake City, was laid to rest following a Mass of Christian Burial, celebrated Oct. 4 at St. Ambrose Catholic Church.

The Most Rev. James R. Golka, Bishop of Colorado Springs, presided at the Mass. Concelebrants were Bishop Oscar A. Solis of Salt Lake City; the Very Rev. Gregory Golyzniak, vicar for clergy for the Colorado Springs diocese; Father John Evans, vicar general of the Salt Lake City diocese; Fr. Erik Richtsteig, pastor of St. Ambrose; two other priests from the Colorado Springs diocese and several priests who minister in Utah.

At the vigil, held Oct. 3, Bishop Solis presided.

Faithful Catholics, no matter whether they are clergy or laity, share the cross of Christ, Fr. Richtsteig said at the funeral Mass, and “our brother Fr. Michael” did this “through his pastoral ministry, he shared in it through his personal life: Fr. Mike was given the cross of sickness – his ordination to the priesthood was delayed by six weeks so he that could have surgery.”

The health problems continued so that Fr. Buckley could not engage in active ministry, Fr. Richtsteig said, “But I never saw that get him down. What was remarkable about Fr. Mike is he embraced it with joy – not always happiness, but joy. There’s a great lesson for all of us; there’s a great lesson for me.”

A few days before his death, Fr. Buckley was visited by Fr. Richtsteig and asked only for the last rites. “He wanted the ministry of Christ; he wanted to be touched and forgiven by his Lord,” Fr. Richtsteig said.

Now that Fr. Buckley is in the hands of the Lord, “pray for him,” Fr. Richtsteig said. “Pray that the God who loved him enough to suffer and die for him will welcome him with joy into his kingdom.”

Fr. Richtsteig said he was going to miss his friend. “We could always talk about the important things, like the faith and computer games. But I know that he is still with us, because I know the teachings of our faith. I know that when we say ‘I believe in the communion of the saints’ it means something. It means that in Christ he is still with us.”

Students from Judge Memorial Catholic High School, where Fr. Buckley attended, served as pallbearers. In his comments at the end of the funeral Mass, Bishop Golka thanked them and asked those present to pray for future vocations from the school.

Michael Patrick Buckley was born August 3, 1970 to Mary A. Buckley and Michael J. Buckley, Jr. in Salt Lake City. After graduating from the University of Portland in 1992, he joined the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division. He received an honorable discharge in 1994.

He then attended Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, Mo., and was ordained a priest on June 28, 2014 in the Diocese of Colorado Springs, Colo. He ministered in that diocese until 2017, when he moved to Utah, where he assisted as a hospital chaplain and at various parishes from time to time.

He is survived by his mother, Mary A. Buckley, and brother Paul B. Buckley.

Following the Oct. 4 funeral Mass, Fr. Buckley was laid to rest at Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Salt Lake City.

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