Bishop's Christmas Message 2021

Friday, Dec. 24, 2021
Bishop's Christmas Message 2021 Photo 1 of 2
An image of the Holy Family is featured on one of the Vatican's 2021 Christmas stamps. The images on the stamps were painted by Adam Piekarski, a homeless man from Poland currently living in Rome.
By The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 

Christmas is the time of the year when we remember and celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation of God; that is, the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. God sent his only Begotten Son to manifest his infinite love for us in a most personal way.

The Blessed Virgin Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to Jesus, called Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” His birth was the fulfilment of God’s promise of healing and the salvation the world had been longing for.

Christ’s birth made the love of God clearly visible and expressed the meaning of his love. To a society that too often denies the existence of God and promotes a culture of death, violence, division and indifference to the plight and suffering of others, Christmas tells the world there is a God who loves us, does not abandon us and is still with us because his gift of life is sacred. Every person created in his image is a child of God, with equal dignity and worthy of love and respect.

Pope Francis warns us of a serious virus and greatest disease plaguing the world today. It is the “lack of love, and not being able to love.” For many, love abounds in the world, but unfortunately, it is not like God’s selfless and sacrificial love but loving for the wrong reasons – the inordinate love of oneself and of material things over and above others, especially the least and marginalized.

The humble circumstances of the birth of Jesus teach us the true meaning of Christmas. Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world in the silence of the night in a lowly stable, visited by shepherds who saw a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. An angel proclaimed the good news – that is, a message of love and peace in a broken and troubled world, and that light shines in darkness to bring hope and gladness.

This is what Christmas really means, which the world forgets. The feast day of Christ is a sacred, transforming and saving event. We receive the greatest gift from God. Christ is born unto us; we have the Savior, and he is still with us. He is a light in darkness, hope and joy amidst trouble. This is why we say, “Merry Christmas,” not merely “Happy Holidays.” 

So, let us celebrate the true spirit of Christmas. May Christ be born again in our hearts, that we may be able to share his love, joy and peace with one another and to the world.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with every grace and blessing throughout the year! 

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