Blessed Sacrament mock trials

Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
Blessed Sacrament mock trials + Enlarge
Courtesy of Blessed Sacrament School

SANDY — Members of the 7th- and 8th-grade Mock trial team at Blessed Sacrament School participated in their first competition at the Sandy Courthouse on Feb. 19. The team won both the case and the competition. High accolades were awarded to Blessed Sacrament School. Best Attorney was awarded to Gabby Horner, 7th grade; Best Witness was awarded to both Kenya Al-Hisnawi and Rachel LeMelle, 8th grade.

Mock trial is designed to give students an understanding of the law and the legal system, and to encourage students to become more active, concerned and knowledgeable citizens. At the trials, each team participates in two competitions. The students compete as attorneys and witnesses. Cooperative planning, civility, courtesy and teamwork are stressed.

Blessed Sacrament’s team was led by Ms. Linda Reich (teacher-coach) and Mr. Bryon Benevento (attorney coach). The Mock Trial team members were 8th-graders Kenya Al-Hisnawi, Lili Benevento, Caytee Black, Brianna Carlough, Samari Harrell, Madison Humphries, Madison Kirk, Kira Lane, Rachel LeMelle and Bronwen Sticka-Jones; and 7th-graders Gabrielle Horner and Hannah Jorgensen.

"We are all very proud of our students," Ms. Reich said. "We have been very impressed watching each of them prepare for the first round of competition trials. There is a lot of memorization; they need to know and understand the case completely. There is a lot of strategy; many ‘what if,’ ‘if that’ scenario skills where taught. The students also looked very lawyer-like in their corporate attire as they left campus this week, ready for their first real courtroom experience."

Mr. Penn commented, "Our students’ confidence was unshaken during the cross examination part of the trial."

One of the students commented, "I speak for my entire team when I say Blessed Sacrament Catholic School has given us support and love. We were so confident when we were in court on Feb. 19. We are confident kids and this helped us tremendously. We won and the entire Blessed Sacrament family rejoiced with excitement, happiness. They were so proud of our team. I have known this school family for 11 years and they never stop giving, caring, loving and supporting you."


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