Cathedral parishioner receives theology scholarship

Friday, May. 24, 2024
Cathedral parishioner receives theology scholarship + Enlarge
Nadia Molina
By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY — Nadia Molina, a parishioner of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, recently received a scholarship that will allow her to study theology.

The Miguel Arias scholarship, administered by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, is given to “Spanish-speaking individuals in the United States to study the liturgy with the hope that they will minister to the faithful in Spanish-speaking communities,” according to the organization website.

The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions “serves the clergy and faithful of the dioceses of the United States by providing leadership, scholarship, and resources to aid in the authentic implementation and celebration of the liturgy,” the organization website states.

Molina, originally from Michoacan, Mexico, has always had the desire to serve the Catholic Church.

“I attended the parish youth groups, the prayer groups, and participated in the choir and as catechist,” she said.

More than 10 years ago Molina began assisting with the religious education classes in English at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. After some years she began serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. She also entered the EMMAUS II program, the diocese’s lay ecclesial minister formation program in Spanish.

“This was an amazing experience,” Molina said. “I have to admit it helped me reflect on how we don’t really know anything about our faith.”

After four years of study and practice in four main areas: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral, Molina and the other members of the EMMAUS II  program were certified in 2019 at a Mass celebrated by Bishop Oscar A. Solis in the Cathedral of the Madeleine.

“There is always so much to learn but sometimes we become indifferent and diminish our Church teachings,” Molina said.

“Thanks be to God for all the very valuable resources that we have been offered; all have helped me to keep growing spiritually in our Catholic faith,” Molina said.

A year after being certified as a lay ecclesial minister, Molina was invited to become part of the pastoral council in English and in Spanish.

“I am also part of the diocesan liturgical commission,” she added.

Serving is an honor “and a privilege that I do with all my love,” she said.

Some months ago, Molina was approached by Lorena Needham, director of the diocesan Office of Faith Formation, with information about the Miguel Arias scholarship.

“She was also the one that wrote my recommendation letter,” Molina recalled.

Needham said she recommended Molina because “during my time at the cathedral as the administrator for liturgy and music, Nadia was always delighted to serve in diocesan Masses. Her ability to proclaim the Word in Spanish and in English made her the perfect minister for many of these occasions.”

Molina also expanded her ministries beyond lectoring to include scheduling, assisting with the preparation of Spanish presider books and service on the pastoral council, Needham said. “Her love of liturgy and desire to serve are motivating for me and I am certain, for the assembly.”

When Molina learned she was one of the four recipients of the scholarship, the news came as a gift from heaven, she said.

“This meant that the doors are never closed for us,” said Molina, who is exploring avenues through which to apply the scholarship. “I am very happy and grateful to all who made it possible that I can now keep on studying and preparing myself in the faith.”

Faith formation in Spanish is fundamental for Hispanics, who are part of the biggest minority in Utah, she said.

“Without faith formation we cannot go much farther,” Molina said. “I hope many people get motivated and continue studying and learning about our Catholic faith.”

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