Congratulations, Class of 2024: Saint Joseph

Friday, May. 24, 2024
By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic

OGDEN — A heavy breeze that blew some pages from the lectern and the flyover of some jets from Hill Air Force Base that momentarily drowned a speaker’s words did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of the Saint Joseph Catholic High School Class of 2024 commencement exercises, held May 17 on the soccer field.

The keynote address was given by Jay Hart, winner of the Teacher of the Year award, who is retiring after 39 years at the school.

With his typical humor, Hart mentioned experiences with many of the students, described what the school was like when he arrived almost four decades previously, and quoted Yogi Berra, Theodore Giesel and the Bible as he explained that he “couldn’t come up with a decent approach to this speech. Instead, perhaps I’ll just note that it’s time to go – for you guys and for me. Henry David Thoreau claimed that he left his cabin near Walden Pond because he had other lives to live.  For those of you who are nervous about leaving St. Joe – and I sure am one of them – remember you have other lovely lives to lead.”

Elijah Norman, salutatorian, said that while “at times it may be difficult to see the value or practical applications of some of what we learned” at St. Joseph, “this school has taught us lessons that we should take with us as we go into our next phase of life, such as the values of best efforts, growth and the inherent dignity of other people.”

He encouraged his fellow graduates to “be curious and open to growing in new areas,” and to recognize that every person is made in the image of God.

“My fellow classmates, we are all about to enter into new and hopefully exciting environments,” he said. “While many of us may be eager to move on and ready for change, be careful to not completely cast your experiences here aside. Let us remember and reflect upon the lessons St Joe’s has taught us, and consciously and gratefully carry what we have learned here into our futures.”

Following the salutatorian address was the recognition of the “lifers” – those students who completed all 12 grades at St. Joseph Catholic Schools. Saying she was speaking from her heart rather than prepared notes, Rose Ybaben, now the high school guidance counselor, first acknowledged the international students: “They have enriched the St. Joe community in such an amazing way over the past several years. We will miss all of you so much.”

She then noted that she had taught all of the lifers in 2012 “in my first teaching job as a first-grade teacher at St. Joe’s Catholic Elementary School. As a brand-new teacher I grew up with each of them. Then I was blessed again to be with them throughout their four years of high school here at St. Joe’s.”

She ended her remarks by urging the students to “do the hard work, spread your wings and fly as you share your message of hope, life and love.”  

Valedictorian Madilyne Beaudry echoed some of Norman’s remarks in her own address, in which she said she was speaking for the “senioritis-riddled class of 2024.” While they are “anxious about the steps ahead and eager to leap into our futures,” she urged them to look back on the memories they had built during their time at St. Joe’s, “remembering that we grew astronomically along the way.”  

“Class of 2024, before we graduate, I ask us to reflect on the past, the present and the future to show that life is about the journey, not the destination. Thank you to my classmates for showing me that the journey is beautiful. In graduating, we have finally reached one destination of many that we will set during our lives, and our paths diverge from here, but I know that each and every one of you has a fruitful path ahead. Enjoy every step along the way and cherish each moment.”

In his closing remarks, Principal Clay Jones thanked the parents, “for being a part of our community for the last four years, entrusting your kids to us, and supporting all that we do to prepare these graduates for life.”

To the graduates, he said, “I always tell the graduating class, you are now closing a chapter in your life, but don’t make it the best chapter. Let it be the beginning to a wonderfully bright future. Life is full of transitions and we had a couple of crazy ones, but you handled them all in stride. The challenges will continue, but you are ready.”

St. Joseph Catholic High School Class of 2024

29 graduates
More than $2 million in scholarships
16 honor graduates (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above)
12 members of the National Honors Society throughout all four years with GPA of 3.5 or above 
18 took two or more AP classes 
8 earned AP Capstone diploma 
4,460 cumulative hours of community service
Fr. Neale Herrlich Award: Jim and Sam Andersen, Jason and Jada Moon
St. Joseph Award: Caroline Mullin

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