Easter Message from Bishop Solis

Friday, Apr. 10, 2020
Easter Message from Bishop Solis + Enlarge
By The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City

The world continues to address the coronavirus pandemic and is slowly making progress in confronting this deadly disease. The implementation and observance of the necessary measures to safeguard the health of our community and save the lives of the more vulnerable ones is working. While we are still in a crisis mode, there is much to hope for.

In the midst of the darkness brought by fear and anxiety, sickness and death, a ray of light is breaking through. We are realizing the value of our relationships – we are a global community, and we are family and neighbors to one another. We are interconnected so that the pain of one becomes the pain of all, and the success of one redounds to the benefit of the whole. We have adapted to the many disruptions in our life – home, school, work and even family or personal schedules, becoming more innovative. We have realized the parts of life we have taken for granted and become more appreciative. From the disastrous effect of coronavirus, we have rediscovered the goodness of humanity as nations, communities and neighbors reach out to each other, helping and caring for one another.

Despite some deprivations, like celebration of the Holy Mass without the congregation, many of the faithful have converted their homes and hearts to build a domestic Church for their family so they can pray together. Through the benefit of the internet and livestreaming, we are able to join in worshiping God as a faith community. And, as we have done in the past few weeks, we continue to profess our faith and celebrate the wonder and glory of God. We remain a Church that is alive.

This is the beauty of Easter. It reminds us of the greatest news of our salvation. Christ rose from the dead to give us new life, hope and encouragement in this world of sorrow, suff ering and death.

The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of our Christian faith. It is the greatest of the miracles that proves that Jesus is God. St. Paul writes, “Jesus is Lord, He is risen!” (cf Rom 10:9), and “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain; and your faith is in vain” (I Cor 15:14). St. John of the Cross invites us into a deeper awareness of a God who reveals himself in darkness and absence. The empty tomb and the absence of his body proved that he is alive to fi ll the emptiness in our hearts, in our homes and in our world with his loving and saving presence. This is the truth and the power of the Risen Lord. Death cannot contain the goodness and love of God for us. God is still with us and will never abandon us.

We are an Easter people. Each of us must live a joyful and peaceful life, constantly experiencing the living presence of the Risen Lord in all of life’s events. We are called to radiate the light and life of Christ to others by the way we live and love one another. It is, then, important that we keep our faith strong and maintain our hope during these trying times, confi dent that, just like the darkness of Good Friday, all our trials and tribulations shall pass.

As we continue our spiritual journey, let us pray that with God’s grace, we will remain faithful and hopeful during these trying times. Let each of us carry our cross, which has been made light by Christ, and lovingly embrace it with trust in the power of God. Christ rose from the dead to help us rise above our fears and anxieties, so that once again we all can sing with joyful praise: Jesus is Lord! He is alive and has risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!

Blessings of a grace-fi lled Happy Easter!

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