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Friday, Jun. 28, 2024
New youth choir for Saint Henry Parish + Enlarge
The new St. Henry Parish youth choir is shown with their pastor, Father Francisco Pires.
By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic

BRIGHAM CITY — For more than 30 years St. Henry Catholic Church has depended on an adult music ministry to accompany the parish celebrations, but not anymore.

The parish, which includes Santa Ana Mission in Tremonton, now also has a youth music ministry that some weeks ago began enriching the community’s celebrations.

“Four years ago, a couple arrived in our community and started putting their musical abilities at the service of the Church,” said Father Francisco Pires, pastor of the parish and mission.

The couple, Giancarlo and Patricia Chivilchez, are music teachers who are originally from Peru.

“They manifested their wish and willingness to serve our Lord by working with our youth,” Fr. Pires said.

At first, however, circumstances prevented the Chivilchezes from doing so, “but this year, after working hard together in the ways that this new ministry needed to be conducted, we were able to formally start,” Fr. Pires said.

To begin, an announcement was made at every Sunday Mass inviting the youth to participate in the music ministry.

“Lots responded to the call,” Fr. Pires said.

At the first formal meeting in April, parish leaders, ministers and directors decided on the methodology for the ministry, and “they got to know each one of the participants and their families better,” he said.

The first rehearsal for children was May 1; now nine young people regularly attend the rehearsals and gatherings.

“We all are called to evangelize and proclaim God’s Word, and in this mission music is a very powerful tool,” Fr. Pires said.

The Chivilchezes focus not only on teaching music theory and singing, they also work with the participants on their faith formation “based on our doctrine, and through the music we can create a prayerful and worshipful environment for our Lord,” they said.

The youth choir provides the music ministry at Sunday Masses once a month.

“This is the first stage, in which the participants are working to adapt into the work methodology and recognize the participation moments during the liturgy,” the Chivilchezes said. “To start working with them while they are young – it gives us the opportunity to create the foundation for other generations.”

The choir will be more active as they accomplish this objective and advanced in their formation, Fr. Pires said.

“Sometimes people think that when the kids finish preparing for the Sacrament of the Eucharist or the youth conclude their Confirmation, they are done” with their faith formation, and other people “just think that they have to attend Mass on Sundays, when in reality there are many ways that they can serve God and our Church,” Fr. Pires said, adding that there are many opportunities with the liturgy for young people and adults alike, such as being an acolyte, participating in prayer groups and music ministry.

“We thank our community’s children and parents for their constant support during rehearsals,” Fr. Pires said.

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