One priest, two deacons ordained for the Diocese of Salt Lake City

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
One priest, two deacons ordained for the Diocese of Salt Lake City Photo 1 of 3
Bishop Oscar A. Solis ordained three men on June 28 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine during the Rite of Ordination of a Priest and Two Deacons. Shown from left after the Mass are Deacon Juan Enrique Biaggini Galarraga, Father Anthony Shumway, Bishop Solis and Deacon Odilon Jesse Ricardez.
By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic

Bishop Oscar A. Solis conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders on three men during the Rite of Ordination of a Priest and Two Deacons on June 28 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine.

The Mass was concelebrated by Monsignor Colin F. Bircumshaw, vicar general; Monsignor J. Terrence Fitzgerald, vicar general emeritus; Father John Evans, who will become vicar general on Aug. 1; Father Teresio Caldwell, OSB, a representative of Mount Angel Seminary; and many priests of the diocese. Also among those present in the cathedral were many of the deacons who minister in the diocese in addition to the laity, who filled the pews for the occasion.

Several of the diocese’s seminarians assisted during the Mass, at which the bishop ordained Father Anthony Shumway, Deacon Juan Enrique Biaggini Galarraga and Deacon Odilon Jesse Ricardez.

“As a local Church we welcome these candidates into their respective orders and we give thanks for their response to Christ as the foundation and source of their vocation,” Bishop Solis said, speaking in English and Spanish as he began the Mass.

Following the Liturgy of the Word, the candidates were called forward, first the deacons and then the priest, for the Election of the Elect, in which they were proclaimed worthy of the office.

‘A Moment of Joy and Gratitude’

Next, the bishop gave his homily, opening by saying that the gathering was “a moment of joy and gratitude for God’s unconditional goodness and a powerful sign of his abiding presence in his mystical body, the Church.”

The three men who were to be ordained heard at baptism God’s promise that, “if they would allow him to live through them, to forgive through them, to love through them and to continue to make him present in the world through them, then they will be with him forever, in eternity,” the bishop said, and “now they’re here before the Almighty God with their families and all of us, saying, ‘Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will. Send me.’”

The two deacons will dedicate their lives to the service of the Church in the ministry of the Word, proclaiming the Gospel and teaching the Catholic faith. They also will minister at the altar, collaborating with priests in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist; and undertake the ministry of charity by sharing and manifesting the love and compassion of the merciful Christ, especially to the poor and the most vulnerable, the bishop said.

“Deacons are chosen as God’s coworkers, to serve his flock with dedication and enthusiasm, without fear and hesitation, knowing that the Lord has put these words into their mouth,” Bishop Solis said.

He urged the two men to “see that you fulfill your sacred mission with zeal and fidelity, rooted in prayer and communion with Christ, where you can draw inspiration and strength.”

As a priest, “When you celebrate the Mass and other sacraments, you will be a steward of God’s blessings and an icon of Christ’s love to the world,” the bishop told Fr. Shumway, adding, “You are sent as a shepherd to lead, to nourish and to protect his flock.”

As a priest who will offering healing, comfort and hope that will renew faith and restore trust in God, “it is therefore important that you have a special devotion to the Eucharist so the people of God can experience the living presence of Christ in you, in your words and in your deeds,” he said, and encouraged the new priest to make prayer “the oxygen of your soul and the power source of your ministry.”

The Church Needs Ministers

Addressing all three of the ordinands, the bishop said, “During these challenging times, our Church needs ministers to preach the Good News in all its fullness. In a world of fake news and disinformation, never, never sacrifice truth for convenience. Always proclaim the Gospel with faithfulness and with joy, not only with your lips but with your heart, to transform believers and to deepen their faith and love for God and for others.”

The vocation of ordained ministry “demands a radical and complete surrender of our life to God,” he said. “Be faithful shepherds, ready to help anyone, and always ready to lay down your life for God and for others.”

While they will encounter occasions of fatigue and discouragement, “In the darkness of the soul, find solace, strength and perseverance in Christ,” he said. “Turn to the Lord who has called you and seek his grace to sustain you in your ministry.”

The bishop thanked the three men “for your commitment of love and service to God and to his Church. On behalf of the faithful our diocese, the people of God in Utah and the universal Church, we also thank your family, especially your spouses, for their support; your seminary formators and all who in one way or another helped you in your years of preparation.”


After the homily, the candidates – first the deacons, then the priest – were called forward for the promises of their respective ordinations, during which they declared to God and to the people their resolve to undertake the office for which they were going to be ordained. Bishop Solis then prayed that the work that God had begun in each of them would be brought to fulfillment.

The three men then prostrated themselves in front of the altar while those present sang the Litany of the Saints.

Following this, Bishop Solis ordained the deacons with the Laying on of Hands, Prayer of Ordination to the Diaconate.

Each deacon was vested with an alb and a stole, and the bishop handed on the Book of the Gospels.

Next, Deacon Shumway was ordained a priest. The bishop and all the priests present participated in the Laying on of Hands. The bishop offered the Prayer of Ordination to the Priesthood, and Fr. Shumway was vested with an alb and a stole. Following this, the bishop anointed his hands with chrism oil, and handed on the bread and wine.

After the ordinations were complete, the priests present offered fraternal greetings to Fr. Shumway while the deacons offered greetings to their newly ordained brethren.  

During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Fr. Shumway concelebrated, while Deacon Ricardez and Deacon Biaggini Galarraga assisted at the altar.  

‘Thank You’

After Communion, Fr. Shumway blessed Bishop Solis and then his parents, who were seated in the front pew.

Following this, Bishop Solis thanked all those present who joined “in this wonderful sacred moment in the local Church of the Diocese of Salt Lake City as well as for the Universal Church;” telling the three men that they were ordained not only for the local diocese but for the whole world as well.

He also thanked their parents and families, and the spouses of the deacons, for sharing the men for the service of the Church.

In addition, the bishop thanked the people of the diocese for their prayers and their generosity, saying that the newly ordained priest and deacons “are the fruit of your contributions to the Diocesan Development Drive,” which is the annual appeal to fund the local Church’s ministries, programs and services.   

After the Mass was ended, Fr. Shumway offered first blessings to those who came forward, and a reception was held in the cathedral plaza for the three newly ordained men.

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