Saint Olaf Parish to host Catholic inspirational speaker who will address discernment

Friday, Sep. 13, 2024
Saint Olaf Parish to host Catholic inspirational speaker who will address discernment Photo 1 of 2
Annette Hills
By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic

BOUNTIFUL — Annette Hills, a Catholic inspirational speaker and award-winning recording artist from California, will be at Saint Olaf Parish in Bountiful on Oct. 8.

Hills, who for many years has shared life experiences with testimonials that include messages of faith, hope, love, healing and forgiveness, will present “Discernment – What is God Calling You to Do?”

This presentation is possible through the actions of the parish’s pastoral council, said Heather Bonn, the parish director of the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults.

This past spring, the pastoral council decided one of the parish goals should be adult faith formation, Bonn said. “We wanted spiritual enrichment and inspiration to help adults engage with the ministry and mission of Jesus Christ and truth and joy of the Catholic faith.”

Learning that Hills was going to be in Salt Lake City in October and was available to give a presentation, the council  partnered with the parish’s Council of Catholic Women to host the talk.

Hills, who won the 2012 Album of the Year award from the Catholic Music Express and was nominated for Female Vocalist of the Year and for Best Song of the Year, “incorporates her music into her talks,” Bonn said. “She was perfect.”  

In her presentation, Hills will tell her story and how she was called to be an inspirational speaker.

“She will share inspiring stories and discernment techniques to help attendees to deepen and enrich their personal prayer life,” Bonn said, adding that every person should be learning, listening and discerning God’s voice.

“Discernment does not occur once or twice in our lifetime but is an ongoing process,” Bonn said. “Many of us want God’s calling to be obvious as it was to Saint Paul,” who was on his way to Damascus to arrest Christians when a light from the sky flashed around him.

Paul, then called Saul, fell to the ground and heard a voice asking, “Why are you persecuting me?” Saul asked who was speaking, and the reply was, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”

After this encounter, Paul became a Christian and a great evangelizer. However, not all calls from God are this obvious.

“God sometimes speaks in whispers, as he did when he called to Elijah after he had not found God in fierce wind, earthquake or fire,” Bonn pointed out. “We must learn to listen to the whisper to find what God asks of us. Each person has a unique calling and purpose in life.”

The St. Olaf community is excited to host Hills’ “powerful testimony as inspiration and spiritual nourishment to our parish community,” Bonn said. “Our desire is for attendees to be inspired and uplifted after hearing stories of discernment and to being open to God’s calling. Personal testimonies and other real-life stories of transformation can be a beautiful testimony of God’s power and teachings.”

WHAT: “Discernment – What is God Calling You to Do?”

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 8, 6 p.m.

WHERE: St. Olaf Catholic School, 1793 Orchard Dr., Bountiful

COST: Free and open to all; refreshments will be served.


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