Secular Franciscan Order receives three new candidates

Friday, Oct. 20, 2006
By Special to the Intermountain Catholic

by Sidney Jude Moormeister

St. Francis Fraternity of Salt Lake City

SALT LAKE CITY — Three new candidates were received by the Saint Francis Fraternity of Salt Lake City on Sunday, October 8, and will spend the next year and a half in formation before making their solemn promises of a lifetime commitment to the Franciscan way of life.

Making the simple promises of candidates were Terese Marie Hunnel and D. Andrew Hunnel of Saint Henry Parish in Brigham City and Michael W. Ryan of Saint Catherine of Sienna Newman Center. The candidates will spend the next year and a half learning more about the spirituality of Saint Francis and exploring various apostolates of service to the church throughout Utah.

The fraternity has 10 professed members in addition to the 3 new candidates. All members are active in living out the Franciscan charism through many apostolates in their respective parishes as well as under the auspices of various charitable organizations they serve. The Saint Francis Fraternity of Salt Lake City emphases service to others, simplicity of lifestyle, kindness as a guiding life principle, and loyalty to the Magisterium of the church.

In 1209 in Assisi, Italy, Francis Bernardone heard a special call from Jesus and began to live a simple life based in the Gospels. Men and women were fascinated with Francis’ commitment to a simple lifestyle. He quickly gained thousands of followers who saw in his radical conversion from a life of wealth and pleasure a message that has echoed down through the ages.

Those people who chose to follow Francis while living in the world became known as "The Third Order of Penance" until 1978, when Pope Paul VI approved the new Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order. These Franciscan men and women, who are part of the international family of St. Francis of Assisi, are represented by an active fraternity headquartered in Salt Lake City.

The Saint Francis Fraternity of Secular Franciscan Order invites anyone who may be interested in participating in an inquiry program to learn more about the Secular Franciscan vocation. All aspirants must be practicing Catholics in good standing with the church. A new class cycle for inquirers will commence in January 2007.

Interested Catholics are invited to attend Franciscan functions during November and December to meet the community, ask questions and begin the discernment process. Interested parties may contact: Sidney Jude Moormeister, SFO at (801) 598-2724 or e-mail for further


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