Seminarian Tristan Dillon ordained a deacon

Friday, May. 21, 2021
Seminarian Tristan Dillon ordained a deacon Photo 1 of 2
Tristan Dillon responds to the questions asked by Bishop Oscar A. Solis during the Examination of the Candidate, which is part of the Rite of Ordination of a Deacon.
By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY — The Diocese of Salt Lake City celebrated the Rite of Ordination of a Deacon May 14 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. Bishop Oscar A. Solis presided at the Mass. Concelebrants were Msgr. Colin F. Bircumshaw, vicar general; Msgr. J. Terrence Fitzgerald, vicar general emeritus; the Very Rev. Martin Diaz, rector of the cathedral; Fr. Joseph Delka, the diocesan vocations director; and numerous priests of the diocese. Deacons George Reade, Scott Dodge and John Kranz assisted. Many of the diocesan deacons and lay faithful attended the celebration, at which the Rev. Mr. Tristan Dillon was ordained a deacon. The Utah Knights of Columbus provided an honor guard.

As the ministers of the Mass processed into the cathedral, Deacon Dillon took his seat in a chair in front of the altar.

“The Church of Salt Lake City rejoices in a particular way today in the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Orders as we set apart and welcome Tristan Dillon into the Order of Deacons,” Bishop Solis said in his introductory remarks.

Deacons undertake the work of liturgy, the proclamation of the Word, and acts of charity, the bishop explained, and he prayed that the new deacon would be “effective in action, gentle in ministry and constant in prayer.”

Following the Gospel reading was the Calling of the Candidate, during which Deacon Dillon was called in front of the bishop, who said, “Relying on the help of the Lord God and Our Savior Jesus Christ, we choose Tristan, our brother, for the Order of the Diaconate.”

In his homily, the bishop thanked God “for this gracious gift to our diocese.” In addition, he thanked the new deacon “for accepting God’s call to ministry,” and also expressed his gratitude to the Dillon family, who were present.

“The Order of Deacon is an important component in the mission of our Church” because deacons are co-workers with the bishop and diocesan priests in the service of the people of the diocese, the bishop said. “Tonight, by the grace of the Holy Spirit and by the laying on of hands, Tristan will be consecrated to a life of service in our Church, to be Christ’s servant to all through the three-fold ministry of the Word, the altar and charity.”

Speaking to Deacon Dillon, the bishop said that, as with the prophet Jeremiah in the first reading (Jer 1:4-9), “God has called, chosen and sent you for a mission, to go and speak on his behalf.”

The second reading (Acts 8:26-40), the story of the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch by Philip, was an example of how the new deacon must use the Gospel to evangelize and teach others to encounter God, the bishop said. “So I advise you to preach the Word of God and not your own, to be faithful to the magisterium of the Church, and proclaim the truth with joy and enthusiasm, without reservation and compromise.”

The Gospel reading (Jn 12:24-26) gives “a clear perspective of Christian ministry,” the bishop said. Being a disciple of Christ “involves sacrifice; of dying and giving oneself always for the good of others in order to bear fruit.”

As he concluded his homily, the bishop said, “May you lead many to encounter God in their lives, help build a better world, and establish God’s kingdom of love, justice and peace.”

After the homily, the new deacon lay prostrate in front of the altar while the Litany of Supplication was sung. The Rite was completed with the Laying on of Hands and Prayer of Ordination. Then Deacon Dillon was invested in the vestments of a deacon, and Bishop Solis presented him with the Gospel, saying, “Tristan, receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”

Then the bishop, priests and deacons gave the new deacon a fraternal greeting.

During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Deacon Dillon ministered at the altar. At the end of the Mass, the bishop asked that the congregation applaud the new deacon.

Deacon Dillon’s summer pastoral assignment is in Price. In the fall, he will return to Mt. Angel Seminary to complete his theological studies; his priestly ordination is scheduled for next year.

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