SFX students learn skills to eradicate bullying

Friday, Nov. 28, 2014
SFX students learn skills to eradicate bullying + Enlarge
By Special to the Intermountain Catholic

KEARNS — St. Francis Xavier Middle School participated in a retreat that armed students with the tools and confidence they need to eradicate bullying and bullying behaviors from the school. The students spent the day doing team-building exercises, holding discussions, doing personal reflection and prayer, and responding to videos that depict various facets of bullying. Students learned through discussion what  bullying is and how to respond when bullied or when witnessing bullying behaviors. Students were taught concrete definitions for “teasing,” “conflict,” and “bullying,” and how to respond in situations where behavior has “crossed the line.”
“From the bullying retreat, I learned that as soon as it happens, take action: Tell a trusted adult and know you are not alone,” said seventh-grader Riane Rendon.
Different strategies were discussed to help students deal with their peers’ behavior, whether it be a conflict caused by miscommunication or rude behavior, a friend’s playful teasing, or actual bullying. Some students were surprised to learn that the only way to remove bullying from the school environment is to support everyone involved: the victim, the bystanders, and the bully him/herself. 
As a culminating activity for the retreat, middle school students were given a mask and asked to draw symbols or write words that represent who they view themselves to be: their “true” self. Then they were asked to turn the mask over and do the same in regards to the person they think that their peers see: their outward or “public” self. They discovered that many students hide parts of their “true” selves from the public eye. Students were then given the opportunity to affix their masks to a public banner – choosing on an individual basis which side of the mask to expose.
At the end of the retreat, the middle schoolers each signed a document containing a pledge to stop bullying and ensure that St. Francis Xavier students “all feel safe, secure and accepted.”
A few weeks later, the parents were invited to a parallel presentation demonstrating the differences between bullying, teasing and conflict, and how to partner with the school to eradicate bullying and support all members of the community. Members of the St. Francis Xavier faculty presented situations to the parents to help them better understand the different types of bullying and to learn the signs that a child is bullied or is a bully. Parents heard about all the school does to foster an environment of safety and understanding, and received parent-specific resources on this important issue. 
“I very much enjoyed it and found the information educational and informative,” said Mr. Steve Newton, a parent. “Though I consider myself a ‘cool parent,’ in the know with all things kids are doing, involved in and exposed to daily, my years of wisdom tell me there is always more to learn and know. [The St. Francis Xavier principal and] staff proved that last night.”  
Another parent mentioned, “It was very helpful and informative, we would definitely attend again. The staff did an amazing job gearing the information to all grade levels.” 
The St. Francis Xavier faculty and staff know that promoting safety and acceptance is everyone’s responsibility to each other. After all, as any St. Francis Middle School student would tell you, “We believe that everybody should enjoy our school equally.”

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