Sister Cecilia Van Zandt wished a happy retirement

Friday, Aug. 19, 2011
Sister Cecilia Van Zandt wished a happy retirement + Enlarge
Daughter of Charity Sister Stella Marie Zahner (right) helps Sister Cecilia open a present.
By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic

By Marie Mischel

Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY — Daughter of Charity Sister Cecilia Van Zandt, who has spent a dozen years in various assignments in the Diocese of Salt Lake City, was lauded for her humor and willingness to serve at a retirement party in her honor at the Pastoral Center Aug. 10. She has been a professed religious for 66 years.

"She is a religious sister; it’s not like she’s said, ‘This is what I’ll do.’ She basically said, ‘Whatever you want me to do I will do.’ That’s what her work is all about," said Monsignor Colin F. Bircumshaw, vicar general of the diocese.

Among her other assignments, Sr. Cecilia taught at Saint Olaf School; her most recent post was as secretary of the Utah Catholic Schools Special Needs scholarship program, which provides scholarships to children from needy families.

"Today’s Scripture talks about how the Lord loves a generous giver and a cheerful giver. Well, I think that Scripture passage was written for Sr. Cecilia," said Holy Cross Sister Genevra Rolf, assistant superintendent of Utah Catholic Schools. "She has responded to the needs of our diocese as a teacher on many different occasions, but she’s also responded over the years to her congregation as they have sent her from orphanage to boarding school to principal of a school to teacher in a school and leadership of her congregation," adding that Sr. Cecilia has a wonderful sense of humor and a quiet wisdom.

"We’re grateful for the years she’s given to the Catholic Schools office," said Holy Cross Sister Catherine Kamphaus, superintendent of Utah Catholic Schools. "When you’re over 80 you should be able to retire, but we just keep her busy."

On the day of the retirement party, the Roman Canon was prayed because Saint Cecilia was named in the second commemoration, said Msgr. Bircumshaw, who presented Sr. Cecilia with a harmonica so she could play music like her namesake.

Sr. Cecilia’s first assignment, in Mobile, Ala. was for 12 years. Now, her 12 years in Utah have made up her last assignment, and she remarked on the symmetry. "I look at myself when I was first a sister to where I am now, all the wonderful things that people help you learn," she said, adding that she is grateful to the other sisters, the children, parents, and the people she has worked with for all they have taught her.

In her retirement, Sr. Cecilia will remain at Saint Olaf Sisters’ Home in Bountiful.

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