St. Ann's Bell Choir to ring in holiday cheer

Friday, Dec. 10, 2021
By Linda Petersen
Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY — Patti O’Connor’s Advent preparations have been filled with bells, lots of bells. As director of the Saint Ann’s Bell Choir, O’Connor is responsible for the sound of almost 50 hand bells and for ensuring they blend together to produce a harmonious sound at all of the group’s performances.

It’s a labor of love for O’Connor, who first became involved with the choir in 2006, a year after it was formed by Allison Prutt, who had moved to Utah from Atlanta where she was a hand bell choir member. Prutt approached the St. Ann Parish Council and got permission to form a hand bell choir, then immediately began raising funds for the endeavor. Within a short time, she had not only the bells but several choir members. The hand bell choir was active for several years; after Prutt moved away it was taken over by the parish music director, but after he moved on the choir went dormant for several years.

Then, about 10 years ago, two former choir members asked O’Connor if she would be willing to help them reorganize the choir and become its director. She agreed. The choir has remained active ever since, although last year it paused its activities because of the coronavirus pandemic. Rehearsals resumed in May, and the choir will present its annual concert on Dec. 16 with a program of traditional Christmas carols accompanied by Scriptural readings.

The choir performs without any accompaniment, although occasional embellishments such as a train whistle or rain stick are employed. They perform at Christmas, Easter and occasionally at Mass, along with an annual spring or fall concert.

The choir members tend to be long-term, although occasionally one moves on. For example, one of the ringers, Victoria Childress, joined the Carmelite order, becoming Sister Mary Joseph Christ the King. These days, the choir consists of four men and eight women, most of whom are retired. Most are St. Ann parishioners but one member, Cindy Hansen, drives from Bountiful to be part of the choir, which practices weekly. She has been a member for four years after seeing an ad in this newspaper seeking new choir members.

The bell choir was an answer to prayer, Hansen said. A member of St. Olaf Parish, Hansen had been inspired by a Passion Play performed there and wondered how she, a flute player, could get back into music. The hand bell choir provided that opportunity. Being able to return to music after a break of several years was very rewarding, she said.

“One of the satisfying parts is being able to give glory back to God; to make music for him,” she said. She also enjoys helping other choir members who do not have the musical background she does.

“After we finish practices, I’m a lot calmer” after a rough day, she said. “Music is soothing to the soul; it’s medicine for the soul.”

George Sumner became a part of the choir in its early years almost by accident. When his wife, Tina Hose, joined, he would drive her to practice but read in the car while she went into the church. Sumner had challenged himself to read all of the books on Stanford’s liberal arts reading list, so he had plenty to occupy himself. Then, while struggling through a volume by St. Augustine, he decided anything would be better than that, and went inside and began playing the bells. He has never looked back.

Sumner said his contributions to his parish have been largely financial, so he finds satisfaction in contributing in other ways.

“I’m not musical but I’m rhythmic,” he said. “In a spiritual way, the things I bring back to my parish community are pretty limited. So, it’s satisfying to bring music.”

The St. Ann Bell Choir is always looking for new members. Those who are interested may contact St. Ann Parish, 801-487-1000.

WHAT: The Saint Ann’s Bell Choir Christmas Concert

WHEN: Thursday, Dec. 16, 6 p.m.

WHERE: St. Ann Catholic Church, 2100 South 500 East, Salt Lake City and livestreamed via the Saint Ann Facebook page, saintannsaltlakecity

Free and open to the public

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