St. George prayer group offers workshop on the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Friday, Apr. 28, 2023
By Linda Petersen
Intermountain Catholic

ST. GEORGE — Catholic Charismatic Renewal leader and author Kenneth Fabbi will lead a workshop May 19 -20, hosted by the Holy Spirit Prayer Community of St. George Parish.

The St. George Charismatic prayer group, which has 10 members, has been meeting weekly for more than 10 years, said Dr. Patrick Bondad, one of the organizers.  

“Praise and worship are a big part of our Wednesday evenings,” he said; the evenings include prayer, Scripture reading and intercessions.

The prayer group has offered similar workshops in the past. “We’ve been wanting to do a Growth in the Spirit seminar, and Ken Fabbi has been doing this for 40-plus years,” Bondad said.

The group became acquainted with Fabbi, of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, while he was vacationing in St. George last fall and was looking for a prayer group to participate in. He was referred to the Holy Spirit Prayer Community, Bondad said. After the group spent an evening with him, they found out the depth of Fabbi’s knowledge and asked him if he would be willing to do a Growth in the Spirit workshop, and Fabbi agreed.

“So, we’ve opened it up to anybody who wants to attend,” Bondad said. “We want the Spirit all over our diocese. The Spirit is moving, he wants to do things in our lives, so why not open it to anybody who wants to come?”

The two-day event, “Healing & Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” will be presented by Fabbi, who is a retired Christian counselor, and members of Our Lady of the Assumption Prayer Community of All Saints Parish in Lethbridge, Alberta. Fabbi’s ministry is focused on helping people to receive God’s healing and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

The workshop will begin Friday evening with the celebration of a Mass followed by a workshop, “Receiving the infusion of the Holy Spirit.” The theme will continue with Saturday’s four workshops: “Tongues,” “Prophecy, Wisdom, Knowledge,” “Resting in the Spirit” and “Introduction to Healing.”

Although the sessions will be presented in English, Bondad encourages members of the Hispanic community who are bilingual to attend to help support charismatic renewal among the Anglo community.

“We just invite anybody who is open to the spirit to start to establish these in the parishes if they are so led,” he said. “Whatever we can do to help faith grow, that’s the whole purpose of inviting everybody.”

WHAT: Healing & Gifts of the Holy Spirit workshop

WHEN:  Friday, May 19, 6 p.m. and

                   Saturday, May 20, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

WHERE: St. George Catholic Church

                     259 West 200 North, St. George

COST: $10, includes Saturday lunch and snacks

For information, contact Kathy Snyder, 307-256-9814 or Pat Bondad,


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