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Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Catholic Community Services of Utah (CCS) has acquired a building from Intermountain Health Care (IHC) to house its clinical services, refugee resettlement, and immigration programs, as well as their administrative offices. The building is located at 745 East 300 South in Salt Lake City.
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Though notable for its musical, academic, and sports achievements, the physical plant of the Madeleine Choir School is at best dingy and at worst dangerous. The central conglomeration of buildings between 1st and 2nd Avenues and A and B Streets in Salt Lake City is rife with leaking roofs and peeling paint, and the century-old construction would likely be unable to resist the devastating effects of an earthquake.
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Vincent "Lee" Budell, 74, is a relaxed, easy going kind of fellow, so when the American Red Cross’ Judith Christensen, director of communications and marketing, Western Frontier Division, told him she wanted to tell the press he was about to donate his 100th unit of blood, he obliged. By the time the cameras arrived at Kearns-St. Ann Elementary School’s gym March 27, Budell was having second thoughts.
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Drugs can often be a dark dreary topic," said Brad Barham, president and founder of Drug Talk, a drug crisis center in Sandy, which gives parents tools, resources, and skills needed to fight drugs in the privacy of their own home.
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — The Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Salt Lake City collectively raised $12,293.90 during Catholic Schools Week for the Diocesan Development Drive (DDD) while learning the valuable lesson of stewardship. The stewardship program was the Catholic schools’ way of helping the DDD celebrate 40 years of supporting more than 20 diocesan ministries.
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
PRICE — Who is that man sitting in the back pew on the left side at the 11:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday?
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
HYDE PARK — El complejo parroquial que está tomando forma a las afueras de Logan, con sus salones de clases, oficinas, e iglesia nueva es como un sueño hecho realidad para los miembros de la parroquia al extremo norteño de la Diócesis de Salt Lake City.
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
ST. GEORGE — Con lápiz azul en mano, la editora del Intermountain Catholic Barbara Stinson Lee siente confortable ofreciendo ayuda tomada de sus muchos años de experiencia en todos los niveles del proceso de preparación del periódico al cual se unió en 1986. Veinte años y casi 1.000 números más tarde, Lee puede reconocer eventos de importancia para todo el estado cuando apenas son ideas que se discuten durante el café. Sin embargo, gracias a una gran conspiración diocesana, Lee se vio enfrentada con algo imprevisto: el 24 de marzo Lee fue galardonada por la Asociación de Prensa de Utah (UPA) con el Premio de Maestría de Editores y Publicadores, el reconocimiento individual más alto dado por la organización de periodistas profesionales de Utah.
Friday, Mar. 31, 2006
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