Tuesday Tapestry
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
As many of you know by now, we have Catholic radio here in the diocese under the banner of Immaculate Heart Radio. KIHU (Immaculate Heart Utah) has been broadcasting for several months now.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
We are blessed to have a chapter of the National Council of Catholic Women in our diocese, headed this year by Cheryl Johnson
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
Probably the reader knows about his or her parish council but did you know that the diocese also has such a council? We do!
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
We had a good meeting of the executive committee of the St. Thomas More Society several weeks ago in the law offices of Ron Yengich.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
I am profoundly grateful to our wonderful people in the diocese who have donated more than $200,000, as of this writing, to the Haiti Relief Fund.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
Many thanks to the thousands of you who signed postcards to our legislators in Washington, D.C., calling for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The Catholic bishops of the United States have been calling for immigration reform for quite some time now. In June of 2007 we almost made it but things unraveled as the bill lost bipartisan support. Many believe that we have another opportunity to accomplish this elusive goal and, to that end, many of us in the diocese signed postcards to our senators and representatives in Washington, asking them to recommit to this important issue now.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
Many thanks to so many of you who made Catholic Schools Week such a success in our diocese.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
Speaking of St. Mary Parish, we have just been informed that we will be bidding a fond farewell to Fathers Rock and Prengaman.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
Several weeks ago I had the marvelous experience of visiting the many of the religious education classes at St. Mary Parish in West Haven. After a delicious dinner at Dave and Joan Erickson’s, with Father Marin Rock, SJ, in attendance, we drove to the parish, where I chatted with about 10 classes. The children ranged in age from 8th to 12th grade. Some were preparing for their Confirmation and others were still participating in the religious education program long after their Confirmations.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011
The Saturday following the deacon ordination, Jan. 30, we had a splendid ceremony honoring another 21 men and women who have been part of our Lay Ecclesial Ministry Formation Program.
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