Edward R. Curiel

IC Business Network Directory is where IC readers go to find goods and services they need.

To start your listing send us your name, your business name, address, phone number, email address and a short description of the business to advertising@icatholic.org with 'Business Directory' in the subject line.

To renew your current listing simply email to advertising@icatholic.org with 'Business Directory Renewal' in the subject line.

To start your listing by mail, include your listing as described above along with your check, money order or credit card information. A confirmation will be mailed back to you upon placement on the Website. Mail your listing to:

Intermountain Catholic Business Directory
27 C Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103

Phone: 801-328-8641 ext. 339

The Intermountain Catholic is a member of the Catholic Press Association and the Utah Press Association.
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