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St. Joseph High School Visit

Friday, May. 14, 2010
Once again our pastoral Center and Cathedral of the Madeleine hosted many students from St. Joseph High School for their annual visit. >>>

Commission for People with Disabilities

Friday, May. 14, 2010
I was very happy to meet with the Diocesan Commission for People with Disabilities. >>>

The Death Penalty in Utah

Friday, May. 14, 2010
Many persons and groups who oppose the death penalty gathered at Scott Matheson Courthouse to protest the death penalty ahead of the hearing that in fact did result in a date given to Mr. Ronnie Lee Gardner. >>>

The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

Friday, May. 14, 2010
Congratulations to the DCCW for their highly successful weekend meeting at the end of April. >>>

Utah Department of Education

Friday, May. 14, 2010
I had a very interesting meeting at the end of April with state superintendent Larry Shumway and Deputy Superintendent Martell Menlove >>>

Catholic Schools Dinner

Friday, May. 14, 2010
Congratulations to all those teachers and staff that were honored at the Embassy Suites on April 28 for their accomplishments in our Catholic Schools. >>>

Two Noted Retirees

Friday, May. 14, 2010
 On April 30 we had separate farewell parties for two exemplary workers in our diocese.  >>>

Many contribute to successful Confirmations in the diocese

Friday, May. 14, 2010

As I travel the diocese this Easter Season to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, I never cease to be amazed at the wonderful people who work so hard to prepare our young people and adults to receive the Holy Spirit. I appreciate all they do and of course they are recognized at the end of each Mass: the pastors, associate pastors, Directors of Religious Education and parish administrators. Without their unparalleled help, our Confirmation programs would not be nearly as successful as they are. I am pleased to have this opportunity to thank all these people once again and I do so gladly.


Knights of Columbus recognize Knight, Family of the Year

Friday, May. 07, 2010
Jesus calls his Church to be a people of love, and the Knights of Columbus exemplify this commandment, said the Most Rev. John C. Wester, bishop of Salt Lake City, during the Mass that preceded the 103rd State Convention Awards Banquet May 1. >>>

Bishop Wester announces priest assignments for diocese

Friday, May. 07, 2010
SALT LAKE CITY - The routine assignment of priests in the Diocese of Salt Lake City was very difficult this year, said Bishop John C. Wester. "It was not easy to find priests to fill the slots that we had open. Thank God we've got two ordinations coming up, but you have to balance those against those who are retiring and those who are being pulled out of ministry - for example, the Jesuits. When we got the call from the Jesuits that those two were leaving, there was a wash with the ordinations." >>>
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