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Benito Z. Lozano

Friday, Jun. 21, 2024
Benito Z. Lozano >>>

Joan Ellen Moffat

Friday, Jun. 21, 2024
Joan Ellen Moffat >>>

Pondering the Pilgrimage

Friday, Jun. 21, 2024
Pondering the Pilgrimage >>>

Around the Diocese

Friday, Jun. 21, 2024
Around the Diocese >>>

Bishop Solis reflects on National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in Utah

Friday, Jun. 14, 2024
"It was an awesome sight with a powerful and very clear message: 'The living, loving and saving God is with us.'”  >>>

Reflexión del Obispo Solis sobre la procesión y Peregrinaje Eucarístico Nacional

Friday, Jun. 14, 2024
"Una vista maravillosa con un profundo y claro mensaje: 'El Dios vivo, amoroso y salvador está con nosotros.'" >>>

Three ordinations for diocese on June 28: To the priesthood

Friday, Jun. 14, 2024
Deacon Anthony Shumway will be ordained a priest for the Diocese of Salt Lake City by Bishop Oscar A. Solis on June 28 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine.  >>>

Three ordinations for diocese on June 28: Permanent deacons

Friday, Jun. 14, 2024
Odilon Jesse Ricardez and Juan Enrique Biaggini Galarraga will be ordained deacons on June 28 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine.  >>>

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in Utah: Parishes host processions, Adoration for pilgrims

Friday, Jun. 14, 2024
“The whole point of the Eucharistic rally is to bring awareness to the Eucharist, especially in the True Presence.” - Father John Evans  >>>

Diocese joins National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Friday, Jun. 14, 2024
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