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SALT LAKE CITY — Isadore Mora, 72, died Dec. 3, at his home. He was a member of St. Patrick Parish.
>>>SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Francis "Frank" Xavier Kearns died Dec. 1 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse, N.Y., from complications of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
>>>Editor’s note: Bishop John C. Wester of the Diocese of Salt Lake City presented the following homily at the Midnight Mass Dec. 25, 2007, in the Cathedral of the Madeleine, and at the 10 a.m. Mass later that day.
>>>SALT LAKE CITY — "We are so proud of the work these first, sixth, and eighth grade students have put into the music we are going to hear," said Governor Jon M. Huntsman at the Re-dedication of the State Capitol Building Jan. 7. "We are honored historically to have an opening like this. It is the first time since this building was built in 1917. Thank you."
>>>SALT LAKE CITY — The wall of the McCarthey Stadium on 700 South just off 1000 East at Judge Memorial Catholic High School began to collapse early in the morning Jan. 6.
>>>OGDEN — The St. James Parish youth group in Ogden formed in September 2007, with only 11 members, but they are already doing service projects.
>>>SANDY — Shelly and John Valdez, youth ministers at Blessed Sacrament Parish, started the Gift of the Drummer Program in 1999. This year their group of 55 youth from 14 different schools, helped 12 families from throughout the valley including six seniors from the Sarah Daft Home in Salt Lake City, have a Christmas they would not have been able to afford.
>>>SALT LAKE CITY — Friends of the Congregation of the Holy Cross are invited to an open house January 20, 2008, from 9-11:00 am in the Bishop Federal Room of the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 27 C Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. All people who have attended Holy Cross schools, worked with the Holy Cross hospitals, or have any history or ties with Holy Cross are invited to attend.
>>>SALT LAKE CITY — A formal re-dedication ceremony Jan. 4 kicked off a week-long series of ceremonies marking the re-opening of the Utah State Capitol after more than six years of restoration.
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