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Judge Memorial takes state in track and mock trials

Friday, Jun. 02, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY — Judge Memorial Catholic High School is the 3A Sports School of the Year for the third consecutive year. Students achieved six team state tournament trophies and many individual state titles.


William Rey Louie a 2006 U.S. Air Force Academy grad

Friday, Jun. 02, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY — William Rey Louie is a member of the class of 2006 graduating from the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado. He is the son of William Gordon Louie and Julie Knight of St. Ambrose Parish, and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Louie of St. Ann Parish.


Juan Diego students raise $1,000 for Mission

Friday, Jun. 02, 2006

DRAPER — Juan Diego Catholic High School raised $1,000 during Catholic Schools week as a stewardship project for San Juan Diego Mission in Gunnison.


Student receives Truman honor

Friday, Jun. 02, 2006

La Diócesis de Salt Lake City ordena cuatro sacerdotes, dos diáconos

Friday, Jun. 02, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY — En dos ceremonias llenas de gozo, una el 16 de mayo en la Iglesia Sta. Ana, y la otra el 18 de mayo en la Catedral de la Magdalena, hombres fueron ordenados al diaconado y al sacerdocio para la Diócesis de Salt Lake City.


Diocese of Salt Lake City ordains four new priests, two new deacons

Friday, May. 26, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — In two joy-filled ceremonies, one May 16 at St. Ann Church, and the other May 18 in the Cathedral of the Madeleine, men were ordained to the diaconate and to the priesthood for the Diocese of Salt Lake City. >>>

Students span their horizon by building bridges

Friday, May. 26, 2006
SANDY — Erik Tita is a champion bridge builder. The fifth grader built a bridge out of Popsicle® sticks which successfully endured 120 pounds of weight in the "Spanning Horizons Big Bridge Bust," May 18 at Blessed Sacrament School. Fourth grader Jacqueline Williams received an award for building the best designed bridge. >>>

St. Vincent students perform a variety of experiments

Friday, May. 26, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — St. Vincent de Paul School, Salt Lake City, hosted a Utah State University Junior Engineering Day May 3. >>>

New deacons called to baptize, preach, serve

Friday, May. 26, 2006

Editor’s note: Archbishop George Niederauer of San Francisco presented the following homily May 16 in St. Ann Church on the occasion of the ordination to the diaconate of José Gregorio Rausseo Gómez and Manuel de Jusús Cerón Valdez.


Newly ordained priests told to 'love the people'

Friday, May. 26, 2006
Editor’s note: Archbishop George Niederauer of San Francisco presented the following homily May 18 in the Cathedral of the Madeleine, on the occasion of the ordination to the priesthood of Fathers Omar Ontiveros García, Oscar Alfredo Martínez Tobón, Oscar Martín Picos Rentería, and John Joseph Schwall5/18/2006 >>>
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