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Speaker says prayer helps surrender our lives to God

Friday, May. 12, 2006

MIDVALE — "Prayer helps us surrender our lives to God so that our very existence is pleasing to him. Sometimes we pray through music and song," said Al Barbarino, guest singer and speaker at St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, Midvale April 28-30. Barbarino enriched the parish with his weekend concerts, spiritual reflections, and down-to-earth talk with the teenagers.


J. E. Cosgriff Memorial presents distinguished graduate NCEA award

Friday, May. 12, 2006

Girl Scout troop donates layette items to CCS

Friday, May. 12, 2006

SANDY — Girl Scout Troop 1135, from Blessed Sacrament School, collected diapers, layette items, and hand-tied fleece blankets to donate to Catholic Community Services (CCS) for their Refugee Resettlement Program. They delivered the items April 28.


Sweet Madeleine! Annual fund raiser emphasizes fun

Friday, May. 12, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY — Priests with guns, women with cigarette holders, and free hooch at the bar: the only thing missing from Sweet Madeleine’s Speakeasy May 6 on the 23rd floor of the Wells Fargo Building in downtown Salt Lake City was a film noir plot.


Clark and Nancy Giles honored for generosity

Friday, May. 05, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — The love and devotion Clark and Nancy Giles have for each other has, for years, created a ripple effect that has benefited individuals, organizations, agencies, and the community at large. The Gileses were honored April 25 at Christus St. Joseph Villa’s 17th annual Hope Benefit at Little America Hotel. >>>

Guests dined and danced under the stars at the Gala

Friday, May. 05, 2006
DRAPER — The red carpet awaited the arrival of guests who experienced "An Evening Under the Stars" at the 6th Annual Juan Diego Gala, April 29. >>>

2006 Jubilee of Religious Life honors four sisters

Friday, May. 05, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — "The four jubilarians represent 210 years of vowed commitment and service. I want to congratulate and thank each one of you for your many years of faithful ministry as vowed religious," said Msgr. J. Terrence Fitzgerald, diocesan administrator in his homily. A Jubilee Mass and luncheon were held at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Salt Lake City, April 29. >>>

Ministers and members participate in a Good Friday Ecumenical Way of the Cross in St. George

Friday, May. 05, 2006
ST. GEORGE — Ministers from a variety of Christian churches were invited by Father Gustavo Vidal, pastor of St. George Parish, to participate in an Ecumenical Way of the Cross. >>>

Utahns se unen a la protesta nacional en contra de reforma migratoria punitiva

Friday, May. 05, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY – Con 25,000 personas reunidas el 9 de abril en el centro de Salt Lake City con motivo de la Marcha por la Dignidad por los derechos de inmigración, los organizadores, la Policía de Salt Lake City, y el alcalde de Salt Lake City "Rocky" Anderson expresaron su sorpresa por el gran número de asistentes al evento. Los oficiales de la Ciudad consideran esta marcha, la cual empezó con una invocación por el Padre James E. Flynn de la Parroquia de Sta. María de la Asunción en Park City, la demostración más grande en la historia de la ciudad desde la Guerra de Vietnam. >>>

Mitin para la Unidad da voz a los derechos humanos para todos

Friday, May. 05, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY — Para los activistas Católicos, los puntos predominantes de los mítines y marchas de los dos días, no se refieren tanto a los derechos de inmigración o a los derechos de los hispanos, sino más bien se refieren a los derechos humanos – los derechos que todos los individuos merecen porque todos estamos hechos a imagen y semejanza de Dios.

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