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CCS Northern Utah to honor community heroes

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

OGDEN — Catholic Community Services (CCS) will host its first awards breakfast at the Ogden Marriott Hotel May 16 to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The Most Rev. John C. Wester, Bishop of Salt Lake City, and CCS will honor community heroes Alan and Jeanne Hall, Great Salt Lake Minerals and Pam Parkinson.


CCS Northern Utah celebrates 30 years of service

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

OGDEN — Catholic Community Services Northern Utah Office began 30 years ago, when it was known as the Ogden Field Office and located on Porter Street by Saint Joseph Church.


Jesús, autor de la vida nueva (Lc 24, 35-48)

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

A pesar de la enorme alegría de saber que Jesús había resucitado, sus discípulos no alcanzaban a comprender que quería decir eso de "resucitar de entre los muertos". Las experiencias humanas siempre van acompañadas de un dejo de muerte. Cada vez que concluimos un caso, terminamos de leer un libro, o nos despedimos de un amigo, morimos un poco. A veces pareciera que estas pequeñas muertes nos jalaran hacia abajo y nos impidiera ver con toda claridad la alegre esperanza de la resurrección. Estamos tan acostumbrados a morir que cuando se nos anuncia la vida eterna, no sabemos qué es eso de vivir para siempre.


HHS mandate opposes Church's pro-life ethic

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

Although it may be hard to believe with all of the attention-getting headlines, the fight against the Health and Human Services decision to mandate that all employers provide free contraception coverage for all of their female employees is not a "war on women." The real principle at stake isn’t whether contraception and the women who use it are good or evil, it is a legal question about what the right to exercise religious beliefs really means. Or, to paraphrase a presenter at a recent law conference, whether government can force religious institutions to give up their missions to accomplish a political goal.


Jesus, author of new life

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

Despite the great joy of knowing that Jesus is risen, his disciples were not able to understand what ‘to be risen from the dead’ meant. Human experiences are always accompanied with a sense of death. Each time we end something – we finish reading a book or we say goodbye to a friend – we die a little.


Around the Diocese

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

Nun-made goodies — Make Mother’s Day special with home-made Carmelite candies: homemade fudge, chocolate or vanilla caramels, peanut brittle and English toffee. Made from the best nutritious ingredients, tastes heavenly, wrapped beautifully, and lovingly sent with prayers from the Carmelite nuns, these candies will bring great delight to your mother on her special day. To order, contact the Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 801-277-6075 or e-mail Happy Mother’s Day from the Carmelite nuns of Salt Lake City.


Parlez du Cafe

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

Margaret Teresa Salmon Mates

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

SALT LAKE CITY — Margaret Teresa Salmon Mates, 83, passed away April 26, 2012.


Teresa Evelina Atencio Boyd

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

SALT LAKE CITY — Teresa Evelina Atencio Boyd, 47, passed away April 12, 2012.


Richard Bazz

Saturday, May. 05, 2012

SALT LAKE CITY — Richard Bazz, 52, passed away in April 2012.

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